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Making Plugin Settings

Sometimes plugins need to use global settings to control their behavior. The plugin API supplies a few useful functions and events to make settings easy to implement.

Let's say our plugin needs to connect to a server.

Registering Plugin Settings

First, we need to catch the plugin object that is passed in the onEnable event. The plugin object must be passed to numerous functions we will be using.

let plugin; function onEnable(pluginObj){ plugin = pluginObj; }

Next, we use the registerPluginObj function in onEnable to register a plugin setting. registerPluginObj takes two parameters, the plugin object and a setting object.

A plugin setting object has the following properties:


Unique id of the setting.


Name of setting displayed to user.


Description of what the setting does.


Type of setting. Can be "boolean", "string", "choice", or "number".


Default value of the setting.


Required for "choice" type. List of string options.

Creating a server connection option would look something like this.

let plugin; function onEnable(pluginObj){ plugin = pluginObj; registerSettingObj(plugin, { "id": "url", "label": "Server URL", "description": "The server URL to connect to. 'localhost' for most setups." "type": "string", "default": "localhost" }); }

If we install our new plugin and reload the plugins page, we now see a settings option for our plugin.

Getting Setting Values

To get the value of a setting, we use the getSetting function. getSetting takes two parameters, the plugin object and the setting id.

The getSetting function returns a SettingValue object with these properties:


Current value of the setting.


Name of setting displayed to user.


Description of what the setting does.


Type of setting. Can be "boolean", "string", "choice", or "number".


Required for "choice" type. List of string options.

Grabbing the value of a setting looks like this:

let serverURL = getSetting(plugin, "url").value;

Listening to Setting Changes

The plugin API provides an easy way to listen to when a setting changes using the onSettingUpdate event. The onSettingUpdate event gives the id of the setting updated as a parameter. You must still use getPlugin to read the value of the plugin.

function onSettingUpdate(updatedSetting){ let newSettingValue = getSetting(plugin, updatedSetting).value; }

You can now make more advanced plugins with persistent settings. To learn about catching errors in your plugin, see how to debug your plugin.

Last modified: 06 June 2024